ReMade in Queensland

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April 2024: ReMade in Queensland round 1 is now closed for applications.

Demand for sustainable products and materials is growing. Queensland manufacturers and recyclers have an opportunity to access valuable markets and supply chains.

ReMade in Queensland (ReMIQ) is a $10 million program to support Queensland manufacturers and recyclers to use recovered, recycled and reprocessed materials in their products.

ReMade in Queensland Round 1

ReMIQ Round 1 provides matched funding of between $50,000 and $2.5 million for eligible project costs, closed for applications at 9am AEST on 19 February 2024.

Eligible project costs will include the purchase of advanced manufacturing equipment to enable the processing of the waste streams or recycled materials.

Stage 1 – Expression of interest

Applications closed at 9.00 am AEST 19 February 2024.

Assessment of applications received for Stage 1 has been completed.

Stage 2 – Detailed proposal application

Following assessment of the expression of interest process, the highest-ranking applications will be invited to submit a detailed proposal application.

About ReMade in Queensland

ReMIQ – an initiative of the $1.1 billion Recycling and Jobs Fund – provides grant funding to support Queensland’s small-to-medium sized manufacturing and recycling businesses use recycled waste streams into existing or new products.

ReMIQ is part of the Queensland Government's Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy and the Queensland Resource Recovery Industries 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan, as well as supporting the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.

The program aligns with the Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan. This encourages Queensland manufacturing businesses to use advanced manufacturing technology and techniques.

What is remanufacturing?

Remanufacturing is the use of recovered, recycled and reprocessed materials in manufacturing. It offers opportunities to reuse materials which would otherwise end up in landfill.

By using and reusing waste, remanufacturing offers both environmental and business benefits. These include reduced material and energy costs.

Consumers and businesses are increasingly looking to buy sustainably sourced materials products, giving remanufacturing businesses a competitive edge.

Useful resources

The applicant guidelines set out the guidelines for applicants for Round 1 of the ReMiQ Program. Applicants are required to read and understand the applicant guidelines before submitting an application.

The draft ReMiQ funding agreement April 2024 provides applicants with an opportunity to view the terms and conditions in the agreement before submitting an application. Applicants that are awarded a ReMiQ grant will be provided with a final agreement specific to the applicant.

Still have questions?

Last updated: 15 May 2024