Boyne River Basin water plan postponement of expiry

The endorsed Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) (Postponement of Expiry) summary impact analysis statement (IAS) (PDF, 154KB) was issued on 20 August 2024. It relates to the expiry date for the Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 and is published by the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW). It was endorsed by:

  • Linda Dobe, Director-General, DRDMW
  • Glenn Butcher MP, Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water.

Proposal type

Regulatory proposals where no RIA is required.


The Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 was due to expire on 1 September 2024. A Postponement of Expiry Notice (PDF, 148KB) has extended the expiry date to 1 December 2026.

The Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 (the Boyne River Basin water plan) is subordinate legislation to the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act) established under sections 42 and 47 of the Water Act and was scheduled to expire 1 September 2024. A significant work program is required to develop and replace the existing water plan and the replacement process typically takes approximately 3 years.

The review of this water plan is part of a proposal being considered to prepare a new Central Queensland water plan (CQ water plan) under section 42 of the Water Act to replace the Boyne River Basin water plan, along with Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011, Water Plan (Calliope River Basin) 2006 and to include the coastal areas of Styx, Waterpark and Shoalwater basins.

Extending the expiry of the Boyne River Basin water plan will maintain the short-term sustainable management of the region’s water resources. This will provide adequate time to complete technical assessments and consultation to develop the replacement water plan.

If the expiry of the water plan was not postponed, it would result in the existing water plan provisions no longer having affect after 1 September 2024. Water management arrangements would revert to provisions of the Water Act. This would likely have a significant impact on social, cultural, economic and environmental values which rely on the water plan framework for the sustainable management of water resources in the water plan area.

Therefore, a Postponement of Expiry notice (POE notice) for the water plan, in accordance with section 55 of the Water Act, is required to prevent cessation of the existing water plan provisions and enable sufficient time to undertake technical assessments and further public consultation to develop the replacement water plan.

This notice was published in the General Gazette on 23 August 2024.

Postponing the expiry date of the Boyne River Basin water plan is an amendment that does not increase costs or the regulatory burden on business or the community and is not subject to Regulatory Impact Analysis under The Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy (2023).

Last updated: 26 Aug 2024