Our Minister

Hon Glenn Butcher, Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water

The Honourable Glenn Butcher MP - Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water

Glenn Butcher is the Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water in the Queensland Government.

He is committed to driving economic growth and job creation in regional Queensland and supporting the state’s manufacturing and water sectors, which are vital to growing and diversifying Queensland’s economy and creating the jobs of the future.

Glenn has previously served as the Assistant Minister for Treasury, Assistant Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and Assistant Minister for Local Government and Infrastructure. He also served as Chair of the Agriculture and Environment Committee and as a Member of the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee.

Prior to his election, Glenn completed his apprenticeship as a fitter and turner and spent 21 years with Queensland Alumina Limited in various positions, including as a tradesman, mechanical supervisor and maintenance superintendent where he oversaw over 100 staff and an $85 million budget.

He has represented the state electorate of Gladstone in the Queensland Parliament since 2015.

Last updated: 17 Aug 2021