Manufacturing capability

We have a clear and positive vision for the manufacturing sector and our workshops, events and seminars play an important role in delivering on the Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan and supporting Queensland manufacturers.

Lean manufacturing workshops

These two-day events incorporate a practical simulation that will demonstrate the value of lean principles applied to small and medium manufacturers and distributors. The workshops help you assess the cultural, leadership, and business maturity of your business. They provide a range of self-help techniques, templates, guides, and assessments.

Lean principles are known for their power in increasing productivity, quality, and employee engagement whilst attacking waste and reducing costs. The lean manufacturing workshops will clarify the value of lean to your business and how the approach will ensure you maximise the rate of change and return on investment.

Maryborough – sold out 9-10 May
Rockhampton 27-28 June

Industry capability network supply chain workshops

The Queensland Government is investing $89 billion in economic and social infrastructure projects across the state (including delivering the 2032 Olympic Games). This investment will provide opportunities for local manufacturing businesses to tender as suppliers for these projects.

One of the most effective ways to stay on top of the opportunities available is through the Industry Capability Network (ICN), which will update your business about procurement opportunities on projects of all sizes. In collaboration with the ICN, we facilitated workshops to help put businesses in a prime position to tender as a supplier for these projects.

Read about tendering including how to supply to Queensland Government.

Last updated: 13 May 2024