Submission form

This form will help you give your feedback on the proposed changes.

We are collecting this personal information from you, including information about your name and address for use in the purpose of the Border Rivers and Moonie water entitlement notice.

The Water Act 2000 authorises us to collect this personal information. We will only use your information for this purpose. It will otherwise not be used or disclosed unless authorised or required by law.

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with and Information Privacy Act 2009, read more about our privacy policy.

Submissions must be made to the department and received on or before 5pm 20 September 2024. You can attach additional pages to your submission.

Questions marked with * must be completed

Which interest group do you primarily represent? (You may select more than one)
What local government area or council area is your water licence/property/business/interest located within? (You may select more than one).
Have you received details of your proposed water licence/s in the post or via email?
Overall, are you satisfied that these details are correct ?
You can add pictures, maps, plans and more up to 10 files.


Last updated: 02 Aug 2024