Gulf water plan review

The Gulf water plan area in North West Queensland is a region of major industry growth with increasing demands for water to support new irrigated agriculture and need to access critical minerals (such as copper, vanadium and tungsten). Each year, almost 25,000 gigalitres of water from the area flows into the Gulf of Carpentaria to support economic and environmentally significant fisheries.

We need to find ways to best meet the growing demands for water, while making sure existing water users, cultural values and environmental water needs remain supported. To do this, we are reviewing and replacing the Gulf water plan and we would like to hear what you think.

How to give your feedback

We want your feedback on our list of key issues. Let us know what other things you think we should consider as we review and replace the water plan.

First, read about the Gulf water plan.

Second, read through the key issues and the questions asked for each one. They are:

Third, have your say by sending a written submission to us by 19 July 2024.

We will be meeting directly with the community throughout the review process. If you would like to express interest in being part of the Gulf water plan working group to help shape the new water plan, please let us know when you provide your submission.


The scope of this review is limited to the management and allocation of water.

Any issues or comments relating to the assessment or approval of infrastructure proposals should be referred to the Office of the Coordinator-General.

More information

These resources will help you understand water plans.

Last updated: 15 Mar 2024