Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline

In June 2022, the Queensland Government confirmed more than $300 million funding for the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline project.

Seqwater will construct, own, and operate the pipeline, which is expected to be completed in March 2027, weather permitting.

The pipeline will provide:

  • permanent water supply to 3400 residents in the four Toowoomba Regional Council communities of Cambooya, Greenmount, Nobby and Clifton
  • drought contingency supply to 24 000 residents in the Southern Downs Regional Council towns of Warwick, Allora and Yangan, and water to be further carted to Stanthorpe and Killarney, in times of severe drought.

Why it’s needed

The Southern Downs region frequently experiences serious drought conditions.

It would cost more than $48 million each year to cart water to Warwick, and need about 570 heavy truck movements per day, travelling over 100 kilometres from Wyaralong Dam through Cunningham’s Gap. It’s costly and not logistically feasible for a town of 15 000 people.

The Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline is a necessary part of a suite of measures that will provide sustainable water security to the region.

Infrastructure proposal assessment (IPA) report

Before deciding to invest in major water infrastructure projects like the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline, the Queensland Government considers the findings of independently assessed business cases.

In May 2022, the department prepared the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline infrastructure proposal assessment report to help inform the Queensland Government’s investment and construction decisions for the pipeline. The assessment for the pipeline includes:

  • current water supply situation and service need
  • options identification and analysis
  • project scope including proposed route alignment
  • economic analysis including cost, risk, and financial affordability
  • environmental considerations
  • community engagement
  • procurement strategy.

The pipeline project reflects the Queensland Government principles for water infrastructure investment, as outlined in the state’s bulk water security strategy.

You can read the full IPA report and/or a summary of the information presented and its recommendations.

Water security

The Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline project provides town water security for our regional communities. The state is also engaging with stakeholders to explore opportunities for water to support regional economic growth  through the Southern and Darling Downs regional water assessment.

Pipeline operation

The state has worked closely with the Southern Downs Regional Council to ensure that costs for operating the pipeline when it’s needed during drought are affordable for Council and its residents.

Southern Downs Regional Council will receive water from the pipeline in a way that doesn’t affect the water supply security for Toowoomba’s residents.

What community consultation has been undertaken as part of the project?

The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water undertook consultation in 2022, which is included in the IPA report.

More information

Government announcements

Last updated: 11 Jul 2023