Have your say

Our first round of public consultation is now open.

Everyone interested in water management in the CQ water plan area is welcome to provide a written submission by 4 November 2024.

Your submission can include anything you would like us to consider as part of the water plan review. This could be issues you have with the current water plan or the reasons we’re replacing the water plan.

Include as much detail as possible.

You can include your contact details if you are happy for us to contact you to talk about your submission.


Our water plans ensure any development of new water infrastructure is done in an ecologically sustainable way. This protects the important environmental processes, ecological needs for plants and animals, and heritage values that exist in the area.

The scope of this review is limited to the management and allocation of water.

Any issues or comments relating to the assessment or approval of infrastructure proposals should be referred to the Office of the Coordinator-General.

Use the submission option that suits you.
A computer screen with a form on itComplete the online form. (Right click to open in a new window)
It contains the questions from each of the issue pages.
You can add attachments.
Remember: Include your contact details if you want to be contacted or included in the working group.
Submit when you're done.
A form with a pen over itComplete the pdf form (PDF, 310KB).
It contains the questions from each of the issue pages.
Email it to us at NorthWPS@rdmw.qld.gov.au or post to us when you're done.
An email at symbolEmail us NorthWPS@rdmw.qld.gov.au your completed form or your written submission.
Folded back of a paper envelope

Post a written submission to us.

Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
Attn: Water Planning and Science, North Region
PO Box 1762
Rockhampton Qld 4700

An old-style phone handset with sound wavesCall us on 1800 822 100 (toll free) during business hours to talk about this proposal or for assistance with making a submission.


We are in step one of the review process where we ask everyone for their ideas and suggestions through public consultation.

Consultation timeline at step 1 © Queensland Government

Future steps

Step two will be quite long because during this, we will:

  • read all your submissions
  • meet with peak bodies, First Nations groups, other community groups, businesses and other interested people
  • ask our scientific partners for their guidance
  • meet with other major project teams, including the Central Queensland Regional Water Assessment stakeholder advisory group
  • evaluate all the things we’ve heard
  • decide if we progress with the proposal based on the overall opinion of the feedback. If not, we will use your feedback to review and replace the existing Fitzroy Basin, Calliope River Basin, and Boyne River Basin water plans before they expire.

Step three - we will release of the draft new water plan/s for a second round of public consultation. This will be in 2025.

Step four will be in 2026 when we review the submissions and feedback to finalise the work. This step is completed when the new plan/s is/are passed by Parliament and becomes law. We call this an “enacted plan”.

Our new enacted water plan or replacement water plans will be released in 2027.

Learn more about the five steps of the process.

Last updated: 02 Aug 2024