Water entitlements

In Queensland, we can grant a range of water entitlements and authorisations which are important to consider in the review. These entitlements include water licences and water allocations, and we aim to update and improve any entitlement products where possible.

Water licences

A water licence is an authority to take water or interfere with the flow of water (for example a weir interferes with a watercourse). It is usually attached to a parcel of land and subject to expiry.

Most water licences that authorise water to be taken detail how much water is allowed to be taken, such as an annual volume limit. However, some water licences in Central Queensland have no volume limits, particularly in the Fitzroy catchment.

We want to know how current licences are working for water users in Central Queensland.

Water allocations

A water allocation authorises the holder to take a certain volume of water from a particular water source, such as a watercourse or aquifer. Allocations have a separate title (like a land title) and can be bought and sold on the water trading market. They can also be used as a mortgageable asset.

Water allocations provide long-term security because:

  • they do not have an expiry date
  • they specify a nominal volume of water that can be taken which is considered as the allocation’s long-term water share.

Water allocations support additional businesses through water trading without compromising other water needs in the catchment.

What do you think?

  • Should we change some water licences into water allocations? This will work best if all water licences in a water management area are converted to water allocations.
  • What concerns do you have about what it might mean to change your water licence to a water allocation?
  • How does your current water entitlement impact on your decision making around water trading?
  • What suggestions do you have about including volumes on water licences? For example, should we make sure all water licences have volumetric specifications?

Tell us in your submission.

Last updated: 02 Aug 2024