Identifying unallocated water

Unallocated water is our term for water that is ‘left over’ in the system and available for future needs. That means it can be released (or allocated) to future projects without affecting water available for current water users, cultural values or the environment.

The existing water plans identify unallocated reserves for different purposes but Indigenous* reserves are not specified in all areas.

Consultation so far shows increasing interest in accessing these Indigenous* unallocated water reserves for agriculture, industrial use, urban water security and First Nations peoples’ opportunities.

  • Type of unallocated water Total volume (ML)
    Surface water reserves
    Strategic – Indigenous* 5,000
    Strategic - Other 16,000
    Infrastructure 222,400**
    General 32,585
    Groundwater reserves
    Strategic 4,950
    General 12,635

    * We use Indigenous here because this is how the needs for First Nations peoples are captured and expressed in water plans. You can learn more about First Nations peoples and water in Central Queensland or read our Reframing relationships plan (PDF, 12MB) to learn how we build stronger relationships with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

    **76,000ML of the infrastructure reserve was made available for Rookwood Weir.

    View the Fitzroy Basin water plan to see the locations of these unallocated water reserves.

  • Type of unallocated water Total volume (ML)
    Infrastructure (Awoonga Dam raising) 19,000
    Strategic 500
    General 1,338

    View the Boyne River Basin water plan to see the locations of these unallocated water reserves.

  • Type of unallocated water Total volume (ML)
    Any purpose 5,500
    Town water supply purpose 500

We will work alongside the Central Queensland Regional Water Assessment , to better understand current and potential water demands in the region. This will let us review these reserves and consider the best arrangements for making unallocated water available to support growth.

What do you think?

What is your demand for additional water and where in the proposed new water plan area are those demands?

How much additional water do you need? Where do you need water from?

How long do you need more water for? What is your intended purpose for accessing more water?

How do you think competing demands for unallocated water should be balanced against impacts on existing water users?

Tell us in your submission.

Last updated: 02 Aug 2024