Improving outcomes

The current water plans include goals that we’ve set strategies to achieve. In a water plan, we call these goals ‘outcomes’.

For example, one of the outcomes is to make water available to support economic growth while recognising the social and cultural values of communities in the basins. A strategy (or way) to achieve this outcome is to consider how much water can be allocated to individual users from unallocated water reserves. By making water available this way, we don’t impact existing water users or the environment.

Across Queensland there are 23 water plans with multiple outcomes. We will review how effective these outcomes are and update them as required as well as develop stand-alone cultural outcomes that reflect the local First Nations peoples’ values, aspirations and uses of water.

What do you think?

  • What suggestions do you have for improving the current outcomes of the water plans?
  • What other outcomes should we consider?

Tell us in your submission.

More information

Last updated: 02 Aug 2024