Public Notice

Preliminary public consultation for the proposed replacement of the Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011, Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 and the Water Plan (Calliope River Basin) 2006 into a new, Central Queensland Water Plan – s44 of the Water Act 2000

1. Proposal to prepare a water plan for a part of Queensland that will replace the Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011, Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 and the Water Plan (Calliope River Basin) 2006, and include coastal areas of the Styx Basin, Waterpark Basin and Shoalwater Basin. This plan area will be referred to as the Central Queensland water plan area.

Notice is given under section 44 of the Water Act 2000 (the Act) that the Minister for Water proposes to prepare a Central Queensland water plan (CQ water plan) that will replace the Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011, Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 and the Water Plan (Calliope River Basin) 2006, and include the Styx, Waterpark and Shoalwater basins (coastal areas).

To allow for plan development, the Minister for Water may exercise powers under section 55 of the Act to postpone the expiry of the Water Plan (Boyne River Basin) 2013 which is due to expire 1 September 2024.

2. Water to which the water plan will apply

It is proposed that the new plan will continue to manage surface water in the three water plan areas and the extended boundary of the water plan area for the coastal areas.

The following water in the Fitzroy Basin will continue to be managed in the proposed new plan area:

The following water in the Calliope River Basin will continue to be managed in the proposed new plan area:

  • overland flow water, other than water in springs managed under the GABORA water plan
  • surface water in watercourses, lakes and springs.

The following water in the Boyne River Basin will continue to be managed in the proposed new plan area:

  • surface water in watercourses, lakes and springs.

The following water in coastal areas will continue to be managed in the proposed new plan area:

  • underground water not connected to water to which is covered by the GABORA water plan
  • surface water in watercourses, lakes and springs.

The Central Queensland (CQ) water plan area is shown in Figure 1.

3. Reason for preparing the new water which will replace three water plans

The water plans are all due to expire before 2026 and the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water has recently commenced a regional water assessment in Central Queensland covering these plan areas. Therefore, this is an opportunity to combine them into a single CQ water plan. The Minister's Performance Assessment Reports for the Fitzroy Basin (PDF, 3MB), Boyne River Basin (PDF, 1MB) and Calliope River Basin (PDF, 2MB) indicated that the implementation of the plans have been mostly effective in achieving the plan outcomes and advancing the sustainable management of water in the water plan areas.

To ensure the water plans continue to be effective and to support potential opportunities from the regional water assessment, the following matters need to be considered in developing the new CQ water plan:

  • amalgamating the three water plans and the inclusion of Waterpark Creek, Shoalwater Bay and Styx River into the new water plan
  • the outcomes and strategies of the plans
  • unallocated water reserves to meet future water demands and to support economic growth, town water supply and cultural values
  • effectiveness of underground water management for the Fitzroy Basin including underground water managed by the Water Regulation 2016 (does not include water managed by GABORA water plan)
  • effectiveness of overland flow management
  • water requirements of existing water users and the environment
  • incorporating best-available science, including consideration of climate change on water availability and the water needs for the environment
  • current and emerging interests of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples in relation to water in the plan area
  • future monitoring and assessment arrangements to ensure the plan and its implementation continue to be effective
  • requirements under the Human Rights Act 2019.

In preparing a new water plan, I propose to address these issues. Key documents which implement the plan will also be developed or amended as necessary.

4. Proposed arrangements for consultation

Submissions are now being sought. The proposal to amalgamate the three water plans and the additional coastal areas into the new water plan is an important matter for this process. I encourage anyone with an interest in the plan areas to put forward their thoughts on water management in the new plan area through a submission.

Submissions received and consultation with key stakeholders including water users, Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other interest groups will inform the development of the draft new water plan.

There will be further opportunity for consultation through a public submissions process and meetings with key stakeholders following the release of the draft replacement water plan.

Submissions that have already been received from the Fitzroy Basin water plan review will be considered in the development of the new water plan.

Submissions are subject to the Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009, and may be made available through an information access request under these Acts.

5. Enquiries and submission process

For further information or to make a submission on water planning aspects within the plan area, please use the following:

  • email
  • phone 1800 822 100
  • post to
    Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
    Water Services North Region
    Attention: Manager Water Planning and Science
    PO Box 1762, Rockhampton 4700

Submissions will close on 4 November 2024.

The Hon. Glenn Butcher MP
Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water

Ingrid Fomiatti Minnesma
Executive Director Northern Region (as the Chief Executive’s delegate)

Map showing the proposed boundaries for the Central Queensland water plan area that includes Fitzroy, Calliope River, Boyne River, Waterpark, Shoalwater and Styx basins. © Queensland Government
Map showing the proposed Central Queensland water plan area

Last updated: 02 Aug 2024