Submission form

We are collecting this personal information from you, including information about your name and address for use in the review of the Fitzroy Basin, Boyne River Basin and Calliope River Basin water plans, as well as the proposal for a new Central Queensland (CQ) water plan.

The Water Act 2000 authorises us to collect this personal information. We will only use your information for this purpose. It will otherwise not be used or disclosed unless authorised or required by law.

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009, read more about our privacy policy.

Questions marked with * must be completed

If you complete the online form and want a copy emailed to you, please put your email address in here.
Which interest group do you primarily represent? (You may tick more than one box)
In which area are you currently located or have an interest in? (You may tick more than one box)
What type of water do you have access to?
You can add pictures, maps, plans and more up to 10 files.
The proposed water plan area
Water in watercourses, lakes and springs
If you have supplemented water, are you discussing any changes to the rules with the scheme owner (for example, Sunwater) or water distributor (for example, Fairbairn Irrigation Network or Theodore Water)?
Overland flow
Updating the science
Climate change
For example, you may have come across some of these issues:
  • increased water use
  • increased evaporation losses from water storages and water courses
  • waterholes drying up or holding water for less time.
First Nations peoples and water
Improving outcomes
Identifying unallocated water
Please provide details about:
  • how much additional water you need
  • where you need more water from
  • how long you need this water for
  • what your intended purpose for accessing more water is.
Growing water needs
Water entitlements
Should we change some water licences into water allocations? This will work best if all water licences in a water management area are converted to water allocations.
Water trading


Last updated: 02 Aug 2024