The proposed water plan area

The proposed Central Queensland (CQ) water plan area combines three existing water plan areas, and incorporates the coastal areas of Styx Basin, Shoalwater Basin and Waterpark Basin. This area will cover 155,795 km2 in Central Queensland.

Map showing the proposed boundaries for the Central Queensland water plan area that includes Fitzroy, Calliope River, Boyne River, Waterpark, Shoalwater and Styx basins. © Queensland Government
Map showing the proposed Central Queensland water plan area

The water systems in the region are connected, and we think it would work better if we managed them under one water plan. A CQ water plan would join the current water plan areas in the region into a single plan while also bringing the three adjacent coastal areas into Queensland’s water planning framework.

Multiple new water infrastructure projects are being considered across the CQ region. These, along with new and emerging industries in the region, will have significant implications for water needs and use across the proposed CQ water plan area. We need to better understand water demand across the region and manage the allocation of these connected water resources to support economic growth in an environmentally responsible way.

Related projects that we have considered with this proposal:

  • The process to review and replace the Fitzroy Basin water plan is already underway and the public feedback we’ve received so far will still be considered if we develop a CQ water plan.
  • A CQ water plan would align well with the federally-funded CQ Regional Water Assessment (CQRWA) which is focusing on regional economic development and urban water security solutions in the same region.
  • Construction of the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline is underway to deliver water from the Fitzroy Basin to the Gladstone region. A CQ water plan would cover both these regions and help people be more aware of how their water resources are shared across the wider water plan area.

The three existing water plans will expire in the next few years so are due for review and replacement:

Explore the Central Queensland and its surrounding water plan areas via the Queensland Globe water plan map (use Google Chrome for best results).

What do you think?

What are your thoughts on combining these areas into one water plan?

What do you think about adding the coastal areas of the Styx, Waterpark and Shoalwater basins?

Are there particular water management issues in these added areas that needs to be considered?

Tell us in your submission.

Last updated: 26 Aug 2024