Updating the science

Since the water plans were made for the Fitzroy, Calliope River and Boyne River basins, new scientific information has been collected. This information, with public feedback, will help us make decisions on how we manage and allocate water in these areas into the future.

For example, we will use the latest hydrological and hydrogeological science to better understand surface water and groundwater resources and how they interact. This information will help us identify any risks if we combine the current water plan areas into a new one.

Scientific modelling of the impacts and risks from a range of different water availability scenarios will give us information about likely impacts on:

  • existing water entitlement holders
  • cultural values
  • the environment.

We are developing a new hydrological model that will incorporate:

  • additional stream flow data
  • water taken from unallocated water reserves
  • new water allocations from Rookwood Weir.

We will also do other technical assessments to ensure we have the latest information on how water is used or valued in Central Queensland (CQ), and how much water is needed to support these uses and values. These assessments will include:

  • assessments for overland flow
  • ecological modelling and assessment
  • social and economic assessment
  • engagement with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • climate change assessment.

We will use this information to develop the draft replacement water plan/s.

Our areas of focus for water planning science are arranged across eight themes which are all influenced by climate change and uncertainty. This is detailed in our Water Planning Science Plan and story map.

Eight themes, ecological asset, landscape ecohydrology, groundwater dependencies, catchment threats, hydrology, cultural values, social and economic values, assessment and evaluation © Queensland Government

What do you think?

  • Do you have any suggestions for updating the science that’s involved in this CQ’s water planning?

Tell us in your submission.

Last updated: 02 Aug 2024